When looking for excellent rates on deposit products, look no further than Franklin First!

Rates effective December 19, 2024.

Savings (Share) Accounts
Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Regular Shares 0.05%** 0.05%**
Share (Savings) IRA 0.05%** 0.05%**
Money Market Accounts
Account Balance Dividend Rate APY*
$25 – $499.99 0.05%** 0.05%**
$500 – $24,999.99 0.20%** 0.20%**
$25,000-$49,999.99 0.30%** 0.30%**
$50,000-$74,999.99 0.40%** 0.40%**
$75,000 + 0.50%** 0.50%**
Term Certificates (CDs) & IRAs
Term Dividend Rate APY*
6 Month 1.49%* 1.50%*
12 Month 1.69%* 1.70%*
15 Month 1.69%* 1.70%*
18 Month 1.83%* 1.85%*
24 Month 2.09%* 2.10%*
36 Month 2.23%* 2.25%*
48 Month 2.23%* 2.25%*
60 Month 2.42%* 2.45%*
Cash Rewards
Account Type APY* Account Balance
Rewards Checking 4.00% On balances up to $10,000
Rewards Checking 0.25% On balances over $10,000
Rewards Savings 0.55% On balances up to $25,000
Rewards Savings 0.25% On balances over $25,000
The dividend rate and annual percentage rate may change at any time, as determined by the credit union board of directors.
Vacation Club
Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Vacation Club 0.10%** 0.10%**
Frankie Fund
Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Frankie Fund 0.10%** 0.10%**
Holiday Club
Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Holiday Club 0.10%** 0.10%**
Pet Care Club
Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Pet Care Club 0.10%** 0.10%**

*Annual Percentage Yield. All share and term accounts use the average daily balance method for dividend calculation. Dividends are posted and compounded monthly.

**The rate may change after the account is opened.